Friday, June 12, 2009

Final Essay Draft 2

Learning about food gave me another point of view on the things we eat on a daily basis. People put pretty pictures of farms and cows and bottles of milk and meat to make it look real nice. But after learning about food I have found out what really goes on on these farms. Animals do not get treated nice they get treated like shit, they are put into small cages in a small place where they can barley move and the way they kill the animals are really cruel. People just put cute pictures on dairy products to make the people that buys the food think that the animals they are killing are coming from a clean place and being treated well but they are really not. They also give the animals hormones so they can produce more food and that is not good for the animals, they also feed animals blood from animals that died. Getting to learn this made me more of the things I eat but I would not change things I eat because I was raise to eat certain things so I got use to it and think it would be hard for me to change my eating habits.

All the topics we learned about this year was very interesting to me because I got to learn about things I never thought I would be able to find out. Also learning these things made me more aware to what is really going on in the world and the secrets are and who does not about the secrets. Also the people being affected by these little things and have no clue if they are in danger or not.

Final Essay

The American way of life has a lot of different views on seeing things. The way I look at it is that the way they manipulate people to look at the things in the way they want to works on a lot of people because they think the government is always right and they can never go wrong. In some ways I do look at it like that because as long as it is keeping me safe and as long as I am living it does not affect me. But learning more about it this year showed me that there are a lot of wrong things going on that the government is not telling the citizens. By not telling us can cause a lot of chaos because when it gets to the public some how the citizens would start to panic and it can also cause a crash. 

For example during the health care unit we were watching a documentary and a black man needed surgery to make him healthy again and all he need was for the health care to approve the surgery so he could stay alive. But they declined it and he end up dying because he never got the surgery and one of the people working for the health insurance that declined his surgery came out and said that the real reason why they declined his surgery was because he was black. After seeing that I could not believe things are still base on the color of your skin and the kind of background you have. I think that people are still doing that because all they are doing is keeping hate in the world and not trying to bring peace and by doing that is just bringing more unnecessary conflict to the world.

During the birth unit we learn two different types of births and they are natural and normal. A natural birth is a home birth with a mid-wife and a normal birth is a birth in the hospital. A natural birth does not include the mother taking drugs. What I found out about drugs that most people do not know about drugs is that when they take it. It can affect the baby and by affecting the baby I mean by it makes their heart beat, beat faster and it by doing that it can kill the baby. I do not think it is right that they do not tell the mothers how the drugs can affect the baby and it is a possibility it can kill the baby.  I think if people more aware about what the drugs can do it probably would have affect on the usage of drugs during a normal birth and that affect would be mothers would not use drugs that much anymore.

collapse #2

The American way of life is confusing because we do not know what we want our what we need. The reason I say this is because we use some thing that we do not even need or we get things that has no point in our life. Watching the video crude awakening showed me different points on how America is taking a down fall and we are not aware of it. The main down fall that might happen to us is running out of oil and not having no oil to generate most of the things that we use now.

For example threw out the whole world our population is 3% and United States alone uses 25% of oil and I think thats crazy because we are using almost ten times the percent of the population. Also since most of the things we use rely on energy or gas I think sooner or later America would run out of oil and can not energize any thing that we use. If that was to happen that would be the biggest collapse that would in America.

With oil being one main thing that can collapse it is just adding on to all the problems we already have. For example we are still in a war and we now we are in a recession and all that can lead to big collapse because we are loosing a lot of money and still spending money on a meaningless war. That can also lead to a collapse because we are losing money then we would not be able to buy food or even get oil to energize some the things we use. 

collapse #1

Easter island is a weird place where some things look good and some things look bad. There is some history people do not know about it and it was located in the southeastern and how they figure out the name was kind of crazy because they found it on easter so they named easter island. On the island they have lots of statues that look the same and they were put into rows of mostly 15.

The polynesian people are different because they did not have resources like we did and we did things differently. We did things with less time but the polynesian people took their time to be more accurate. We use machines that take up so much space and needs so much electricity and oil. The polynesian can not afford to use machines and they do not have enough tools so they use their brain to get most of their work done.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Final Food Assignment

In our recent topic on food, we learned much more about where our food came from than what we knew before. In America we have a law that is for animals and how we are suppose to treat them the we would like to be treated. But what most people do not know about the food they eat is where it came from on what kind of condition that animal was in before it got killed to make into meat and fill their stomachs. They also do no know if that meat they were eating came from a healthy animal or not. The truth is that most animals that are killed to make humans food are not treated the right way. They are either beat or killed because they do no follow the living conditions that they are suppose to based the "farm" they are in. The people that run these animal factories do no treat the animals they are suppose to, for example in a video I recently watch on animal cruelty it shows how three main animals are treated (cows, chickens & pigs). The things they put the animals through are horrible, like the chickens for example they put them all in small cages with each other and clip their beaks so that they would not be able to peck and kill each other. Putting the chickens into the small cages are not healthy for them because they are not able to stretch their muscles and that makes them weak. They also put hundreds of chickens into a place where it is hard for the to walk around and they get no sun light and when they feed them it is not shared out separately it is just thrown around into one area. By doing that only certain chickens get food and some will get more than the other and some would die of starvation. What do to the cows is a bit similar to the chickens but for the cows they auction them off to other farms and they even auction off the calves. On the way to auctions they put all the cows in the back of the van and with not enough room to move they cows step on each other and end up killing other cows. Most of the times some of the cows are not able to walk because as soon as they are born they send to to auction off and stuff them into the van and not able to stretch their muscles which make their legs weak. Even if they are weak and can not barely walk people still slaughter them and make them into meat and sell them to different companies and that is how some of the meat we eat are unhealthy. What they do to cows that is also horrible while they alive they cut off their balls and cut their horns and the reason they do that is because they do not want the animals fighting or mating to produce more calves unless they want them to and they also cut their tails off. In order for the female cows to produce more milk they give them RBGH and it is a drug hormone. Also at birth they take the calves away from their mothers and feed them the blood from a dead cow and that causes more animal disease. For the pigs they are a putting into their own small cage and they are not able to move at all. So when a mother pig is giving birth it is hard for her to put her body into a comfortable position so that makes the birth painful for her. Also once the baby is born they take them away from their mother clip their ears and cut off their tails, because they pigs are put into such a small cage it is hard for them to move their muscles and make it stronger so sometimes they legs swollen they are on able to walk. What the people do that run the factories do because the pigs legs are over grown they take the pigs by their hind legs and slam their heads on the floor until they are dead and for some of the weak pigs what they do to keep them a live they give them antibiotics and that also cause animal disease also. With these conditions that people put these animals through show how bad animal cruelty is and how they do no follow the law on how animals should not be treated humane and some people that eat meat need to be aware where they meat comes from and research the situation that the animals are in so they can be aware what is going on in the United States. From watching the animal cruelty video and being more aware on what is going on with the animals makes me second think about eating meat but because I grew up eating like that it would be hard for me to adjust my eating styles and eat less meat than I do now. Also I think that the government steps in and try to make the conditions better I think that the meat that will be produce would be more healthier and people would not have to worry about their meat carrying diseases and be in a much more healthier environment. If you would like to see some of the conditions that the animals are in here is a animal cruelty video showing how the people treat the animals and how their living conditions are. (

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Industrial Food 2

I watched the animal cruelty video and I was really surprised by the things they did to the animals. The one part that really got me was when they showed how the people grabbed the pigs by their hind legs and slam them head first into the concrete floor. I felt real bad just watching them do that to the pigs. You can look at the video and tell the that all the animals they haven locked up in the cages look sick because their skin color looks paler than usual and most of them can barely walk because they a put into a small area where they can keep their muscles active to make them stronger. Also how it is crazy how they take the new borns and clip their ears and cut off their tails and don't give them any pain killers to make the pain go away faster it just shows how some humans feel about animals. I think the government should look more into how these factories are run because you can really tell that the government doesn't have a clue wats going because in the United States we are against animal cruelty and the things that they are doing in the factories is way over board. If the U.S. is allowing this then it goes against their whole beliefs on cruelty to animals.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Industrial Food

I watched the Meatrix video and I was surprise with some of the things I saw and how it happens. What the video is trying to let you know is that the people that runs the factories, they care more about profit than their own workers safety. For example in the video the boss made the machine speed up and as that happened the cow manor was getting on the other meat and he didn't seem to care about that. That is showing that there is a possibility that we are eating meat with cow manor inside and the boss wouldn't care because overall he is getting paid to provide the meat and that is al he wants is the money. It also shows how the cows that die, they take their blood and feed it to the baby calves and that causes mad cow disease. That is bad because feeding the baby calves dead cows blood will process through out their whole body and one day those baby calves would start to provide food for us and some that provide the food may have mad cow disease and it would get into our food and that is how most humans get food poisoning. Also that is a way swine flu started because they said the whole cause of it is the people that own pigs do not clean the pigs surroundings and it creates the disease and it gets into the air and the human start to catch it. I think if people  were more aware on how they run the factories or how they take care of their animals then I think it would be a bigger reduce in all these animal diseases that are going around and all the food poisoning people are getting. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Food culture Home and Corparate

At home when my mom cooks I'm not usually home but when am there I notice that when she makes rice she puts in a pot of water first and boils it for a while. After that she drains the water out of the pot by putting it into a bowl that allows the water to come out and leaves the rice in the bowl. While she soaks the rice in the pot what I notice is that she puts salt and other seasonings into the pot while it boils. One day I ask her why she does that and she told me to give it flavor and I was surprised  to find out that is how some of the food we eat get flavor. Also when she makes the chicken I notice that the water she uses to cook the chicken with is used as the gravy and she also puts seasoning into the pot to give the gravy flavor. The people in the U.S. do their food similar to the way my mom does it but they also do it based on how there religion looks at different ways to make food. What I also notice is that people use different ingredients to make their food taste a certain way and I think its interesting the different ways people use different "chemicals" to give their food taste.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May Day

My thoughts on my day is that I never heard about it before a day in my life and I never knew it was holiday. I am surprised that someone never mentioned it before if it has such a history behind it and it occur before christ I think it is something important to know about. I would like to learn more about this so I could have some what of a knowledge on this and try to find out why so many people forgot about it and why it is not made an official holiday in the U.S.

Pollan Response

"Whatever native wisdom we once have possesed about eating has been replaced by confusion and anxiety. Somehow this most elemental of activities-figuring out what to eat-has come to require a remarkable amount of expert help." (Omnivore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan)

I agree with this quote because a lot of people including myself eat stuff based off of what experts and famous people say. For example if someone says that they did such things loose weight other people would be like oh really thats very interesting I think I would try that because I am trying loose weight myself. Also people eat stuff based off of what they learned as they grew up as a young child, their parents brain wash them into thinking that this certain food is god for you and helps you to build this and feel some sort of way and they also tell you why certain things are mad for you.

What I eat is based of the knowledge that I know about that certain thing I am eating. But sometimes I eat things because I feel like eating them or if I think I have a craving for them. I also think that the way I was brought up to eat and the way I eat now, I am going to teach my kids to eat the same exact way because I would think that it would be healthy for them in some way.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Fridge

What's in my Fridge?
-Bottles of water
-Cans of coke
-Gallon of milk
-Boxes of Juice
-ice cream
-Frozen chicken
-frozen vegetables

What this shows to me is that this is a typical American fridge because it has things in there just to please our needs and we have things in there that we don't even use at all. I think that is just a waste of money because some of these things stay in the fridge and spoil. Some times when my mom cleans the fridge and take out old food that been in there for weeks, she always complains it a waste of her money but when ever we ask her to get it she would still buy it. Also the parents play a big role in the unwanted food in the fridge because they always say I buy these things to keep in the house just in case the kids get hungry but what they don't notice is that some of the things they buy the kids don't eat at all.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break HW

Everyone in my family has health care except for my father because he chooses not to go to the doctor. I have not been to the emergency room before and the health insurance I think pays the medical bills. I don't have a similar experience like the people from the movie because I never expericen anything like that before.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Danish Kids

It was good to learn the something about the Denmark economy and the pros and the cons. What became a interest to me was that they only have to go to school thorught 9th grade and if the student is 18 or older they get paid to go to school. One of the Danish girls told me that a A&F store had just open over there and that the prices there in 5 times more than it is in our A&F which I thought was crazy. They said they like New York better because it is more cool and you could tell because one of the Danish girls spent $800 A&F, that seems like too much money to spend in one store. Another interesting thing was that they said they do not have a lot of homeless people like we do in New York and the homeless have a choice to live on the streets and some choose to live there and they don't know why but there aren't that many on the streets. They also said that the price for the subway and bus in Denmark is much more than here. Another interesting thing was that they said they don't have different classes like upper, middle, or lower, they said everybody is wealthy and and they're not seperated my classes and that kind of caught my attention. It was interesting to learn about another country's government and lifestyle and compare to ours and to see the difference makes you think double take on what the government is doing and is it fair to the people and is it benefitting us or them.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Draft AWOB

American way of birth is apart of American way of life, meaning that no matter what somebody tries to do or change, babies would still be born in someway. My evidence for that is not all babies are planned meaning that some of them are born accidently. Maybe the woman got raped or maybe she forgot to take her birth control or the condom could of broke. So babies are on of the hardiest things stop from happening in the world. Also most women do want kids and you really can't tell them if they could have kids or not because it is their body and they could do whatever they want with them. I am not to sure about questions that I want to look further into but I would keep my mind open just in case something comes up.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"The Buisness of Being Born" Response

I think the most important moments of the movie is when the doctors and midwives gave their opinions on normal and natural births. Also their thoughts on why doctors did c-sections, and three different statments I was able to write down was that "Ceasarian is extremely doctor friendly", "C-section makes things less complicated for the doctor", and the one that came surprising to me was that "If no one steps up and say anything about c-section 100% of births would soon be done by c-section." Their were also some crucial moments that surprised me and I think other people should know are that very few doctors in training observe a normal birth meaning that there is a handfull of doctors that deliver babies when they were in training they never observed a baby being born so they have no idea how the process of having a baby really looks. Also the U.S. has the second worst death birth rate and I think that's surprising because the U.S. is suppose to be one the best place to be and have the most experince in almost anything than any other country and for them to have the second worst birth rate deaths.

The people that should take a look at this video are all women that want to have babies and also men who want to have babies because by making men watch it as well as women gives them some knowledge for when they're in the room with their wives and they're in pain to remind them why they shouldn't take all those drugs so they wont feel all the pain that their feeling. Also I think doctors should watch this so that they could get an idea on the things they're doing right and wrong during these births and what they can do to stop it. My perspective now on childbirth is that I have to beware about what the doctors say or suggest during the process of birth because they might be doing just to benefit them and to make them look right. Also c-section is not good for a woman to have unless the baby has a possible chance of dying or is going to be born prematurealy. What I think should be done more for women that are pregnant is that they should check the history on hospital births in the state they are living in to make sure they know how the births in certain hospitals have varied in the past years.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Break HW

Giraffe Birth
I think this birth the mother didn't care about having the baby because the way she was walking around and having the baby just hanging down like that. Then when the baby came it out he just dropped to the floor and the mom kept walking like she didn't want anything to do with him but she did show a little attention to the baby by trying to groom him a little bit by trying to get the stuff from the sack off. When the baby came out you can see that fluids came out right when the baby dropped to the floor and this can compare to human births because whena human gives birth and the baby comes out then you see different fluids like blood, mucus and things from the sac fall out. When the baby came it seem like the way he dropped to the floor he looked like he was dead because I didn't really see any movements but it seems like a normal birth for a giraffe.

Dolphin Birth
The dolphin birth is a little similar to the giraffe birth where their just moving around with the baby hanging out but once the baby dolphin came out right away it started to swim around with it probably trying to get their muscles strong to be able to swim alone. Also the baby dolphin ways less than a baby giraffe and instead of coming out head first the dolphin comes out fin first which is very interesting because you would usaully see babies be born head first. This doesn't really compare with human birth in a way because in this birth the baby was able to swim right away with no problem but in human birth the babies muscles aren't strong enough yet for them to walk on their own it would take them a couple of months before they are able to do that.

Human Birth
I saw a woman giving natural birth with a midwife inside a tub full of water which was interesting because I heard of it before but I never seen it. During the video the midwife kept checking to see the babies heart rate and am not sure if the mother was giving any drugs during the birth because she said that she was feeling a pain or a burn. There were points where the babies head was coming out and then it goes right back into the vagina. Once the baby came out I think it was crazy how the midwife just grabs the baby by the neck and puts the baby right on the mothers chest. I think its dangerous to grab a baby like that because the baby is kind of fragile when it comes out the womb so there is a possibility they might the baby in a way.

When I come to the point of having a baby I don't think I would let my wife have c-section because itvolves to much cutting and a lot of blood lost. It looks like their cutting at anything that is in the way of getting the baby out and the more they get closer the more they use that tool to like push the stomach wider. The way they pulled the baby out to was kind of crazy because the baby some what doubled up and they was pulling it out by the legs. I wonder if the doctor know's all the things they are cutting at in the mother's stomach because it seemed lke they was just cutting away to get to the baby.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Natural vs Normal response

I never knew there were two different kinds of birth and the differences that they have. The differences are that a normal birth has medical professionals and the women where paper gowns and there are steel instruments to cut the women if needed to. A normal birth doesn't have loud noises but they use drugs to help relax the women from the pain they have. The doctor is usually the center of attention of the birth meaning whatever they say go and if needed to wait on them so they could finish something else then the pregnant women would have to wait. A natural birth non-professionals such as your love ones and there aren't any paper gowns, it is more of a nude thing than being covered. There are no drugs involved to calm the women down and there is a mid wife there helping to deliver the baby.

My thoughts on this is that women prefer a normal birth or a normal birth is most likely to happen because people probably trust that more than having a natural birth at home. I think people prefer it better because they grow up learning more about a normal birth in the hospital and all theories that different people have about them. To me I think that a natural and a normal birth are the same, but they are down in a different way and there is certain rules to follow to make sure that things go the right way. If I had a choice I would probably pick a normal birth because I know more about a normal birth than i do about a natural birth and I have more of a thought of which one would go better than the other.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Answers to Questions

1.How much does abortion cost?
First trimester abortions cost about $300 - $600. Second trimester, $500 - $5000.

2.Where can you go and have a abortion?
Clinics, surgical centers, private offices, and hospitals provide abortion services, but you may have to search your area to find the best place for you. (

3.What percent of men put on condoms when they are asked to?
57 percent reported condom mishaps (

4.How many adoptions are there each year?
Over 900 babies are put up. (

5.What percent of births are caused by rape?
5 to 10 percent (

6.What percentage of women have C-sections?
In 2006, the most recent year available, 31.1 percent of all U.S. births were C-sections, up 50 percent from 1998, according to a new study. (

7.How Many Different Ways are there to give birth?
Hospital Birth,Homebirth,Unassisted or Free Birth,VBAC / HBAC,Lotus Birth, & C-Section (

8.What is the cost of a home birth?
homebirth costs anywhere between 1500-3000 dollars (

9.What is infant mortality?
Infant mortality is defined as the number of deaths of infants (one year of age or younger) per 1000 live births. The most common cause of infant mortality worldwide has traditionally been dehydration from diarrhea. (

10.What is the most effective birth control?
Abstinence. (

After finding the answers to these questions I was kind of surprised by some of the answers I got. For example infant morality is the death of a baby a year old or younger. I never knew there was a specific name for that and it was that common for a baby to die around that year of age. Another surprise to me was the percent of births caused by rape, and that was 5 to 10 percent which I think is a lot because if your really think about the actual number babies being born out of that percent is around thousands of babies and that is a lot of unwanted babies. In my opinion I think that there is a possibilty of more unplanned births in the world than planned but some people choose just to live with and see how they might end up in life or having the baby a better idea than having a abortion.

Monday, February 9, 2009


1.What percent of teenage women use birth control?
2.What is the percentage of death using birth control?
3.Is it true you can become steral from birth control?
4.What pecentage of American babies get aborted each year?
5.Does having a abortion affect your chances of having another baby?
6.What is the percentage of women having abortions?
7.How much does abortion cost?
8.Where can you go and have a abortion?
9.What percent of births are intentional?
10.What is the percent of women dying from having a abortion?
11.What is the percent of intentional birth with married couples vs. teenagers?
12.How many adoptions are there each year?
13.Do we need more babies? Should people be having all these babies?
14.What is the most common use of birth control?
15.What percent of women really got pregnant accidetly? or accidently purposely?
16.What percent of men put on condoms when they are asked to?
17.What percent of men are exstatic about getting a woman pregnant?
18.What are the percentages of intentional births are raised by single parents?
19.What percent of women getting an abortion are pressured by not having a good place to raise the baby or have no partner help?
20.What percent of births are caused by rape?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Child Birth

What I think about when I hear child birth? When I hear child birth, I think about 9 months of pregnancy and the process the women go through. What also go through my mind is women scraming in the hospital, asking for some kind of drugs to make the pain go away. The husband in the room with his wife and she is squeezing it to a point where the man feels weaker and the woman has more strength to brake his hand. Also from what I've heard and seen from child birth is that child birth can be really bloody and nasty because while the baby is coming out blood and mucus also comes out of the womens vagina. I also learned about epitimony and that is when the doctor slits a women vagina before she gives birth because they are afraid that when the women start to push the baby out that her vagina will "tear/rip" and after she gives birth they stitch it back up. Now that I know about that happening during birth, it makes sense on why women can't have sex for a certain amount of time after birth.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Inauguration Day

On the day of the Inauguration Mr.Manley, Copeland and some other teachers were able to show the Inauguration of Barack Obama in there room. The rooms were filled with students, probably aorund 60 students and kept coming in as the minutes went by. This showed that a lot of people were concered about seeing Obama officaily becoming the President of the United States. Not only was the room filled with people to watch Obama but Washington D.C. was filled with millions of people and from a sky view of the people it looked like there were a army of ants all over the place. I think that a lot people gathered for this coming from all over the country because we were seeing history made right before our eyes and I think that just made people happy and excited to be there so they took the day off at work and some to a day off at school just to see this for themselves. After Obama was sworn in the class room went crazy and got loud, but while he was giving his speech he also got the attention of people when he said "we will defeat you" I think that also gave the people another reason to trust him to run the country.

My opinion on Obama being sworn in and fianlly becoming President is that he would not be able to accomplish all the things he promise because not everything can be changed right away and they would need more time just to get a ok on anything he wants to change. Also he speech didn't compare to his other speeches because his other campagin speeches were stronger than his final speech. I think so because in his final speech he was clarifying the things he is going to do and the things he will to do and change America. By doing that he brought joy and tears to peoples faces and kind of fooled them in way because not all the people notice that the things he promised they might not get because it probably would take more than 4 years in office to complete some of his promises.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Marx's Critique of Capitalism

What I think capitalism is that it's a competition between all the capitalist and I think this because they try and find ways to make the most money and who has the smarter ideas on doing that. My example would be made so I can try and get a point across on how capittalism is a competition. For example Mcdonalds would make a new offer saying that they would sell the cheeseburger 2 for $3 and they start to make good profit on their new offer and is making more profit than their rivals Burger King. Then Burger King also being a capitalist jut like Mcdonalds they would also make a special offer in order to stay in competition with Mcdonalds and also to see would make a better profit. Burger King offer probably would be 2 jr. bacon cheeseburgers for $3 plus a small fry on the side. By doing that they created a capitalism and the people who fall for it would debate on which fast food restaurant they would go to just spend the same amount of money but one company that is giving more of your money worth. But the thing about some capitalist when they make offers like that they are losing more product than usual and would have to use most of the money made on the special to keep buying products in order to keep the offer going to compete with other companies.

Marx's theory on labor power is that it is the source of all wealth and the worker only get paid half of the hours that they work. What I think about the pay people get sometimes is unfair becauce people are getting paid for how mant hours they work in a day which I can agree with. But I think people should get paid on how hard they work everyday because sometimes do more work than some of their co-workers. Also some co-workers are more lazier than others and would do less work and sometimes get paid more than the other worker.That is my idea of labor power and that is in a way kind of like capitalism between workers where one worker is doing less work and having the other worker do more work and still get less pay than the other.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Break Analysis

I had a really good break I spent a lot of time with my family on christmas I spent it with my family. My mom cooked and some of ,y family members came over and it felt good because got to enjoy christmas with some of family members that i have not seen in a while. We laughed and make jokes and talked about anything that was on our mines. I think that is a typical way of life in america because christmas is the time where your family comes over and we sit together talk, eat and have fun. For the rest of the break I was with my friends and we chilled and went to basketball games and also played some basketball. But during the break I also worked which was kind of good because I was getting paid and I kept my self occupied. The bad part was that I went to work on New Years but at the end of the day it did not bother me so I enjoyed as much as I can.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Constitution C

The 11th Amendment indicates that the federal government can hear cases in law and can also make a decision. The importance of the 12th Amendment states how the people should vote for the person they are electing into office and they tally up the votes to pick who becomes President and Vice President. The 14th Amendment states that if someone is born in the U.S. that they are officially an American citizen and they are citizen in the state that they was born in. In the 15th Amendment says that no ,atter what race you are you have the right to vote. I think they passed these Amendments because they wanted everything to be equal and they did not wanted everything to be look as if a certain person could not do something because thet color of their skin or what race they were.