Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Answers to Questions

1.How much does abortion cost?
First trimester abortions cost about $300 - $600. Second trimester, $500 - $5000.

2.Where can you go and have a abortion?
Clinics, surgical centers, private offices, and hospitals provide abortion services, but you may have to search your area to find the best place for you. (http://www.mysistahs.org/health/abortion.htm)

3.What percent of men put on condoms when they are asked to?
57 percent reported condom mishaps (http://sexualhealth.e-healthsource.com/?p=news1&id=521245)

4.How many adoptions are there each year?
Over 900 babies are put up. (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_babies_are_put_up_for_adoption_each_year)

5.What percent of births are caused by rape?
5 to 10 percent (http://www.christianliferesources.com/?library/view.php&articleid=461)

6.What percentage of women have C-sections?
In 2006, the most recent year available, 31.1 percent of all U.S. births were C-sections, up 50 percent from 1998, according to a new study. (http://www.argusleader.com/article/20090209/LIFE/902090306/1004/rss07)

7.How Many Different Ways are there to give birth?
Hospital Birth,Homebirth,Unassisted or Free Birth,VBAC / HBAC,Lotus Birth, & C-Section (http://www.birthways.co.za/ways%20of%20birth.html)

8.What is the cost of a home birth?
homebirth costs anywhere between 1500-3000 dollars (http://www.home-birth-guide.com/homebirth-cost.html)

9.What is infant mortality?
Infant mortality is defined as the number of deaths of infants (one year of age or younger) per 1000 live births. The most common cause of infant mortality worldwide has traditionally been dehydration from diarrhea. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant_mortality)

10.What is the most effective birth control?
Abstinence. (http://birthcontrol.lifetips.com/faq/118537/0/what-is-the-most-effective-birth-control-available-on-the-market-today/index.html)

After finding the answers to these questions I was kind of surprised by some of the answers I got. For example infant morality is the death of a baby a year old or younger. I never knew there was a specific name for that and it was that common for a baby to die around that year of age. Another surprise to me was the percent of births caused by rape, and that was 5 to 10 percent which I think is a lot because if your really think about the actual number babies being born out of that percent is around thousands of babies and that is a lot of unwanted babies. In my opinion I think that there is a possibilty of more unplanned births in the world than planned but some people choose just to live with and see how they might end up in life or having the baby a better idea than having a abortion.

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