Thursday, March 26, 2009

Danish Kids

It was good to learn the something about the Denmark economy and the pros and the cons. What became a interest to me was that they only have to go to school thorught 9th grade and if the student is 18 or older they get paid to go to school. One of the Danish girls told me that a A&F store had just open over there and that the prices there in 5 times more than it is in our A&F which I thought was crazy. They said they like New York better because it is more cool and you could tell because one of the Danish girls spent $800 A&F, that seems like too much money to spend in one store. Another interesting thing was that they said they do not have a lot of homeless people like we do in New York and the homeless have a choice to live on the streets and some choose to live there and they don't know why but there aren't that many on the streets. They also said that the price for the subway and bus in Denmark is much more than here. Another interesting thing was that they said they don't have different classes like upper, middle, or lower, they said everybody is wealthy and and they're not seperated my classes and that kind of caught my attention. It was interesting to learn about another country's government and lifestyle and compare to ours and to see the difference makes you think double take on what the government is doing and is it fair to the people and is it benefitting us or them.

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