Friday, June 12, 2009

Final Essay Draft 2

Learning about food gave me another point of view on the things we eat on a daily basis. People put pretty pictures of farms and cows and bottles of milk and meat to make it look real nice. But after learning about food I have found out what really goes on on these farms. Animals do not get treated nice they get treated like shit, they are put into small cages in a small place where they can barley move and the way they kill the animals are really cruel. People just put cute pictures on dairy products to make the people that buys the food think that the animals they are killing are coming from a clean place and being treated well but they are really not. They also give the animals hormones so they can produce more food and that is not good for the animals, they also feed animals blood from animals that died. Getting to learn this made me more of the things I eat but I would not change things I eat because I was raise to eat certain things so I got use to it and think it would be hard for me to change my eating habits.

All the topics we learned about this year was very interesting to me because I got to learn about things I never thought I would be able to find out. Also learning these things made me more aware to what is really going on in the world and the secrets are and who does not about the secrets. Also the people being affected by these little things and have no clue if they are in danger or not.

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