Monday, February 23, 2009

Break HW

Giraffe Birth
I think this birth the mother didn't care about having the baby because the way she was walking around and having the baby just hanging down like that. Then when the baby came it out he just dropped to the floor and the mom kept walking like she didn't want anything to do with him but she did show a little attention to the baby by trying to groom him a little bit by trying to get the stuff from the sack off. When the baby came out you can see that fluids came out right when the baby dropped to the floor and this can compare to human births because whena human gives birth and the baby comes out then you see different fluids like blood, mucus and things from the sac fall out. When the baby came it seem like the way he dropped to the floor he looked like he was dead because I didn't really see any movements but it seems like a normal birth for a giraffe.

Dolphin Birth
The dolphin birth is a little similar to the giraffe birth where their just moving around with the baby hanging out but once the baby dolphin came out right away it started to swim around with it probably trying to get their muscles strong to be able to swim alone. Also the baby dolphin ways less than a baby giraffe and instead of coming out head first the dolphin comes out fin first which is very interesting because you would usaully see babies be born head first. This doesn't really compare with human birth in a way because in this birth the baby was able to swim right away with no problem but in human birth the babies muscles aren't strong enough yet for them to walk on their own it would take them a couple of months before they are able to do that.

Human Birth
I saw a woman giving natural birth with a midwife inside a tub full of water which was interesting because I heard of it before but I never seen it. During the video the midwife kept checking to see the babies heart rate and am not sure if the mother was giving any drugs during the birth because she said that she was feeling a pain or a burn. There were points where the babies head was coming out and then it goes right back into the vagina. Once the baby came out I think it was crazy how the midwife just grabs the baby by the neck and puts the baby right on the mothers chest. I think its dangerous to grab a baby like that because the baby is kind of fragile when it comes out the womb so there is a possibility they might the baby in a way.

When I come to the point of having a baby I don't think I would let my wife have c-section because itvolves to much cutting and a lot of blood lost. It looks like their cutting at anything that is in the way of getting the baby out and the more they get closer the more they use that tool to like push the stomach wider. The way they pulled the baby out to was kind of crazy because the baby some what doubled up and they was pulling it out by the legs. I wonder if the doctor know's all the things they are cutting at in the mother's stomach because it seemed lke they was just cutting away to get to the baby.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Natural vs Normal response

I never knew there were two different kinds of birth and the differences that they have. The differences are that a normal birth has medical professionals and the women where paper gowns and there are steel instruments to cut the women if needed to. A normal birth doesn't have loud noises but they use drugs to help relax the women from the pain they have. The doctor is usually the center of attention of the birth meaning whatever they say go and if needed to wait on them so they could finish something else then the pregnant women would have to wait. A natural birth non-professionals such as your love ones and there aren't any paper gowns, it is more of a nude thing than being covered. There are no drugs involved to calm the women down and there is a mid wife there helping to deliver the baby.

My thoughts on this is that women prefer a normal birth or a normal birth is most likely to happen because people probably trust that more than having a natural birth at home. I think people prefer it better because they grow up learning more about a normal birth in the hospital and all theories that different people have about them. To me I think that a natural and a normal birth are the same, but they are down in a different way and there is certain rules to follow to make sure that things go the right way. If I had a choice I would probably pick a normal birth because I know more about a normal birth than i do about a natural birth and I have more of a thought of which one would go better than the other.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Answers to Questions

1.How much does abortion cost?
First trimester abortions cost about $300 - $600. Second trimester, $500 - $5000.

2.Where can you go and have a abortion?
Clinics, surgical centers, private offices, and hospitals provide abortion services, but you may have to search your area to find the best place for you. (

3.What percent of men put on condoms when they are asked to?
57 percent reported condom mishaps (

4.How many adoptions are there each year?
Over 900 babies are put up. (

5.What percent of births are caused by rape?
5 to 10 percent (

6.What percentage of women have C-sections?
In 2006, the most recent year available, 31.1 percent of all U.S. births were C-sections, up 50 percent from 1998, according to a new study. (

7.How Many Different Ways are there to give birth?
Hospital Birth,Homebirth,Unassisted or Free Birth,VBAC / HBAC,Lotus Birth, & C-Section (

8.What is the cost of a home birth?
homebirth costs anywhere between 1500-3000 dollars (

9.What is infant mortality?
Infant mortality is defined as the number of deaths of infants (one year of age or younger) per 1000 live births. The most common cause of infant mortality worldwide has traditionally been dehydration from diarrhea. (

10.What is the most effective birth control?
Abstinence. (

After finding the answers to these questions I was kind of surprised by some of the answers I got. For example infant morality is the death of a baby a year old or younger. I never knew there was a specific name for that and it was that common for a baby to die around that year of age. Another surprise to me was the percent of births caused by rape, and that was 5 to 10 percent which I think is a lot because if your really think about the actual number babies being born out of that percent is around thousands of babies and that is a lot of unwanted babies. In my opinion I think that there is a possibilty of more unplanned births in the world than planned but some people choose just to live with and see how they might end up in life or having the baby a better idea than having a abortion.

Monday, February 9, 2009


1.What percent of teenage women use birth control?
2.What is the percentage of death using birth control?
3.Is it true you can become steral from birth control?
4.What pecentage of American babies get aborted each year?
5.Does having a abortion affect your chances of having another baby?
6.What is the percentage of women having abortions?
7.How much does abortion cost?
8.Where can you go and have a abortion?
9.What percent of births are intentional?
10.What is the percent of women dying from having a abortion?
11.What is the percent of intentional birth with married couples vs. teenagers?
12.How many adoptions are there each year?
13.Do we need more babies? Should people be having all these babies?
14.What is the most common use of birth control?
15.What percent of women really got pregnant accidetly? or accidently purposely?
16.What percent of men put on condoms when they are asked to?
17.What percent of men are exstatic about getting a woman pregnant?
18.What are the percentages of intentional births are raised by single parents?
19.What percent of women getting an abortion are pressured by not having a good place to raise the baby or have no partner help?
20.What percent of births are caused by rape?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Child Birth

What I think about when I hear child birth? When I hear child birth, I think about 9 months of pregnancy and the process the women go through. What also go through my mind is women scraming in the hospital, asking for some kind of drugs to make the pain go away. The husband in the room with his wife and she is squeezing it to a point where the man feels weaker and the woman has more strength to brake his hand. Also from what I've heard and seen from child birth is that child birth can be really bloody and nasty because while the baby is coming out blood and mucus also comes out of the womens vagina. I also learned about epitimony and that is when the doctor slits a women vagina before she gives birth because they are afraid that when the women start to push the baby out that her vagina will "tear/rip" and after she gives birth they stitch it back up. Now that I know about that happening during birth, it makes sense on why women can't have sex for a certain amount of time after birth.