Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wal-Mart Trample Worker

What I think about this situation that accured at Wal-Mart with the worker getting trampled, is carzy. People become savages when they find out that there is a big sale on things at any store. I understand that they want things a little cheaper but to run over a worker and trample enough to kill him, I think that is wrong. There were 2,000 people waiting since 7 in the morning to get into the store, and out of the 2,000 people that were there none of them had the ordasity to attempt to pick him up of the floor. This shows that at times people only think about themselves and careless for others, and when their mind is set on one thing that more important to them they don't care about anything else that happens around them. I also think they are selfish becasue when one of the employes told them that someone is dying they have to leave the store, one of the customers respond and said no I been here since 7 in the morning. I that shows how peole care more for their needs than someone dying in the store.

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