Thursday, May 28, 2009

Industrial Food 2

I watched the animal cruelty video and I was really surprised by the things they did to the animals. The one part that really got me was when they showed how the people grabbed the pigs by their hind legs and slam them head first into the concrete floor. I felt real bad just watching them do that to the pigs. You can look at the video and tell the that all the animals they haven locked up in the cages look sick because their skin color looks paler than usual and most of them can barely walk because they a put into a small area where they can keep their muscles active to make them stronger. Also how it is crazy how they take the new borns and clip their ears and cut off their tails and don't give them any pain killers to make the pain go away faster it just shows how some humans feel about animals. I think the government should look more into how these factories are run because you can really tell that the government doesn't have a clue wats going because in the United States we are against animal cruelty and the things that they are doing in the factories is way over board. If the U.S. is allowing this then it goes against their whole beliefs on cruelty to animals.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Industrial Food

I watched the Meatrix video and I was surprise with some of the things I saw and how it happens. What the video is trying to let you know is that the people that runs the factories, they care more about profit than their own workers safety. For example in the video the boss made the machine speed up and as that happened the cow manor was getting on the other meat and he didn't seem to care about that. That is showing that there is a possibility that we are eating meat with cow manor inside and the boss wouldn't care because overall he is getting paid to provide the meat and that is al he wants is the money. It also shows how the cows that die, they take their blood and feed it to the baby calves and that causes mad cow disease. That is bad because feeding the baby calves dead cows blood will process through out their whole body and one day those baby calves would start to provide food for us and some that provide the food may have mad cow disease and it would get into our food and that is how most humans get food poisoning. Also that is a way swine flu started because they said the whole cause of it is the people that own pigs do not clean the pigs surroundings and it creates the disease and it gets into the air and the human start to catch it. I think if people  were more aware on how they run the factories or how they take care of their animals then I think it would be a bigger reduce in all these animal diseases that are going around and all the food poisoning people are getting. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Food culture Home and Corparate

At home when my mom cooks I'm not usually home but when am there I notice that when she makes rice she puts in a pot of water first and boils it for a while. After that she drains the water out of the pot by putting it into a bowl that allows the water to come out and leaves the rice in the bowl. While she soaks the rice in the pot what I notice is that she puts salt and other seasonings into the pot while it boils. One day I ask her why she does that and she told me to give it flavor and I was surprised  to find out that is how some of the food we eat get flavor. Also when she makes the chicken I notice that the water she uses to cook the chicken with is used as the gravy and she also puts seasoning into the pot to give the gravy flavor. The people in the U.S. do their food similar to the way my mom does it but they also do it based on how there religion looks at different ways to make food. What I also notice is that people use different ingredients to make their food taste a certain way and I think its interesting the different ways people use different "chemicals" to give their food taste.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May Day

My thoughts on my day is that I never heard about it before a day in my life and I never knew it was holiday. I am surprised that someone never mentioned it before if it has such a history behind it and it occur before christ I think it is something important to know about. I would like to learn more about this so I could have some what of a knowledge on this and try to find out why so many people forgot about it and why it is not made an official holiday in the U.S.

Pollan Response

"Whatever native wisdom we once have possesed about eating has been replaced by confusion and anxiety. Somehow this most elemental of activities-figuring out what to eat-has come to require a remarkable amount of expert help." (Omnivore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan)

I agree with this quote because a lot of people including myself eat stuff based off of what experts and famous people say. For example if someone says that they did such things loose weight other people would be like oh really thats very interesting I think I would try that because I am trying loose weight myself. Also people eat stuff based off of what they learned as they grew up as a young child, their parents brain wash them into thinking that this certain food is god for you and helps you to build this and feel some sort of way and they also tell you why certain things are mad for you.

What I eat is based of the knowledge that I know about that certain thing I am eating. But sometimes I eat things because I feel like eating them or if I think I have a craving for them. I also think that the way I was brought up to eat and the way I eat now, I am going to teach my kids to eat the same exact way because I would think that it would be healthy for them in some way.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Fridge

What's in my Fridge?
-Bottles of water
-Cans of coke
-Gallon of milk
-Boxes of Juice
-ice cream
-Frozen chicken
-frozen vegetables

What this shows to me is that this is a typical American fridge because it has things in there just to please our needs and we have things in there that we don't even use at all. I think that is just a waste of money because some of these things stay in the fridge and spoil. Some times when my mom cleans the fridge and take out old food that been in there for weeks, she always complains it a waste of her money but when ever we ask her to get it she would still buy it. Also the parents play a big role in the unwanted food in the fridge because they always say I buy these things to keep in the house just in case the kids get hungry but what they don't notice is that some of the things they buy the kids don't eat at all.