Saturday, January 24, 2009

Inauguration Day

On the day of the Inauguration Mr.Manley, Copeland and some other teachers were able to show the Inauguration of Barack Obama in there room. The rooms were filled with students, probably aorund 60 students and kept coming in as the minutes went by. This showed that a lot of people were concered about seeing Obama officaily becoming the President of the United States. Not only was the room filled with people to watch Obama but Washington D.C. was filled with millions of people and from a sky view of the people it looked like there were a army of ants all over the place. I think that a lot people gathered for this coming from all over the country because we were seeing history made right before our eyes and I think that just made people happy and excited to be there so they took the day off at work and some to a day off at school just to see this for themselves. After Obama was sworn in the class room went crazy and got loud, but while he was giving his speech he also got the attention of people when he said "we will defeat you" I think that also gave the people another reason to trust him to run the country.

My opinion on Obama being sworn in and fianlly becoming President is that he would not be able to accomplish all the things he promise because not everything can be changed right away and they would need more time just to get a ok on anything he wants to change. Also he speech didn't compare to his other speeches because his other campagin speeches were stronger than his final speech. I think so because in his final speech he was clarifying the things he is going to do and the things he will to do and change America. By doing that he brought joy and tears to peoples faces and kind of fooled them in way because not all the people notice that the things he promised they might not get because it probably would take more than 4 years in office to complete some of his promises.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Marx's Critique of Capitalism

What I think capitalism is that it's a competition between all the capitalist and I think this because they try and find ways to make the most money and who has the smarter ideas on doing that. My example would be made so I can try and get a point across on how capittalism is a competition. For example Mcdonalds would make a new offer saying that they would sell the cheeseburger 2 for $3 and they start to make good profit on their new offer and is making more profit than their rivals Burger King. Then Burger King also being a capitalist jut like Mcdonalds they would also make a special offer in order to stay in competition with Mcdonalds and also to see would make a better profit. Burger King offer probably would be 2 jr. bacon cheeseburgers for $3 plus a small fry on the side. By doing that they created a capitalism and the people who fall for it would debate on which fast food restaurant they would go to just spend the same amount of money but one company that is giving more of your money worth. But the thing about some capitalist when they make offers like that they are losing more product than usual and would have to use most of the money made on the special to keep buying products in order to keep the offer going to compete with other companies.

Marx's theory on labor power is that it is the source of all wealth and the worker only get paid half of the hours that they work. What I think about the pay people get sometimes is unfair becauce people are getting paid for how mant hours they work in a day which I can agree with. But I think people should get paid on how hard they work everyday because sometimes do more work than some of their co-workers. Also some co-workers are more lazier than others and would do less work and sometimes get paid more than the other worker.That is my idea of labor power and that is in a way kind of like capitalism between workers where one worker is doing less work and having the other worker do more work and still get less pay than the other.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Break Analysis

I had a really good break I spent a lot of time with my family on christmas I spent it with my family. My mom cooked and some of ,y family members came over and it felt good because got to enjoy christmas with some of family members that i have not seen in a while. We laughed and make jokes and talked about anything that was on our mines. I think that is a typical way of life in america because christmas is the time where your family comes over and we sit together talk, eat and have fun. For the rest of the break I was with my friends and we chilled and went to basketball games and also played some basketball. But during the break I also worked which was kind of good because I was getting paid and I kept my self occupied. The bad part was that I went to work on New Years but at the end of the day it did not bother me so I enjoyed as much as I can.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Constitution C

The 11th Amendment indicates that the federal government can hear cases in law and can also make a decision. The importance of the 12th Amendment states how the people should vote for the person they are electing into office and they tally up the votes to pick who becomes President and Vice President. The 14th Amendment states that if someone is born in the U.S. that they are officially an American citizen and they are citizen in the state that they was born in. In the 15th Amendment says that no ,atter what race you are you have the right to vote. I think they passed these Amendments because they wanted everything to be equal and they did not wanted everything to be look as if a certain person could not do something because thet color of their skin or what race they were.